The conference program and other essential information for the annual conference of the American Association of Italian Studies, April 21-23, 2016, LSU, Baton Rouge, LA. can be found here:
There is also call for papers for one panel: Anachronism and Historicism in Italian Modern and Contemporary Art
The dominant narratives of Modernism promote an iconoclastic approach to the past. Postmodernism, with its impulses towards appropriation and pastiche, would engage a more absorptive, constructive approach to history. Both, however, obscure the reality of the Italian circumstance. Passatismo Italianità and the ever-visible presence of the past created innumerable opportunities to explore complex temporal structures in their work through subtle reference, utilization and reconfiguration of histories both national and local, recent and distant. Recognition of temporal nuances within the work of modern and contemporary Italian artists is often neglected in favor of more literal interpretations. In such instances, a myopic reading of the signs within a work fails to comprehend the multifaceted meanings and temporalities that can be present simultaneously. To fully appreciate the dynamics of twentieth-century Italian art, a more focused analysis of how these artists utilize an anachronic collapse of time within their work to critically analyze the present through the lens of the past and invite a distant, yet still active voice to speak to concerns of the day is needed. This panel calls for papers that explore the myriad ways in which the visual arts of the Italian nation and its cultural diaspora attend to the past in areas such as artistic creation, exhibition installation, performance, and reconstruction of past works and exhibitions.
Please send abstracts by January 4, 2016 (ca. 200 words) and CV to both Lucienne Auz, Assistant Professor, Memphis College of Art, & Adrian R. Duran, Associate Professor, University of Nebraska at Omaha,