The Fulbright scholar will teach one courses, Seminar style, at Graduate, Master level, 6 hours per week, Average class size: 40 students.
Course and syllabus requirements: Detailed syllabus provided in advance with reading materials provided via pdf. Students will have to write a paper of 10 pages on an individual topic decided with the instructor.
Other activities: Student advising and tutorials.
March 10, 2020
University of Calabria, Department of Humanities,,
Italian-American Studies: the experience of Italians and Italian-Americans within the United States. This is an interdisciplinary field that intersects with History, Anthropology, Folklore, American Literature, Italian Literature, Cinema, Media, Music, Economy, Law and more. We welcome applications from scholars of any of these fields, and in particular of Italian Studies, English Literature, Anthropology, Folklore, Cinema and Media Studies, Music and Performing Arts, Diaspora Studies, Sociology, Working-Class Studies, Labor Studies, Community-Engaged Scholarship (CES), History, Memory and Heritage Studies.
Research and Collaboration with peers;Teaching or guest lecturing at other university departments and other institutions in the city of affiliation of the scholar; Introduction and interaction with the local and university community.
Other opportunities: Conference organization and participation both at the University of Calabria and at other institutions in the South of Italy. Opportunity to be involved in the advanced international two-week seminar: Italian Diaspora Studies Spring Seminar, that takes place at the University of Calabria at the end of May–beginning of June.
Application Requirements
English, no other language is needed for lecturing.
Applicant Profile
Preference will be given to Full and Associate professors, but lower ranks will be accepted, too, on the basis of original and innovative proposals for the course syllabus required within the application. Minimum 7.years of teaching experience after PhD. Outstanding professionals/non-academics will be considered. A research record is required but can be replaced by an artistic and/or a professional record.
Additional Information
Academic calendar: The Academic year is divided in two semesters. The second one goes from March 5 to June 6 2020. Academic Calendars are available on UniCal Website at the beginning of each academic year.
Information about visas: U.S. grantees must apply for a Study Visa (D) at the Italian Embassy or Consulate having jurisdiction in the State where they reside. The Commission will support their application with a letter that will be sent to grantees after they have signed the official grant authorization, but will not be able to assist grantees in their application procedures. Italian embassy and consulates are the sole authorities in matters pertaining visa issues.
Due to restrictions in the Italian Immigration Law, there are potential challenges related to the duration of grantees’ stay in Italy, and to the visa and permit-to-stay for their dependents.
The requested duration of grantees’ stay in Italy should not be much longer than the official grant period. In case of significant discrepancy (more than 30 days overall), the Consulate may reject the grantees visa request.
Grantees who wish to be accompanied to Italy by their family dependents should be aware that the Commission cannot sponsor their dependents’ visas. Available options are:
1. Dependents may stay in Italy without a visa for a period of 90 days
2. Dependents may enroll in an Italian language course and apply for their own study visa (the Commission cannot assist in identifying the course nor does it have the funding to allocate to this purpose)
3. Dependents could apply for a Ricongiungimento Familiare. The procedure entails that grantees travel to Italy on their own and once they arrive in Italy they must request a nulla osta per il ricongiungimento familiare. The nulla osta will be issued within 180 days from the request which may exceed their grant length. Only then dependents will be able to travel to Italy to join the grantees and to apply for a permit to stay for ricongiungimento familiare.
Italian Diaspora Studies Facebook Page
Additional information about this award and the University of Calabria
Information about the Italian higher education system and Italian universities: CIMEA; MIUR
Contact person at the U.S.-Italy Fulbright Commission: Barbara Pizzella, Senior Program Officer,
The cost of accommodation is on the visiting scholar. UniCal provides assistance in finding the best apartment according to her/his needs among the many residential centers on campus, and offers it at a very competitive cost: one bedroom apt costs 150 euro a month all included. For larger units, the price increases up to 250 euro a month. All the apartments are furnished with bed(s), dresser(s), closet(s), desk(s) and chairs. They are equipped with bed linen and towels, have WiFi, and a separate kitchen without supplies. There is access to laundry facilities (with extra charge). A weekly cleaning service is included (replacement of towels and bed linen, cleaning of washrooms, vacuum and dusting/wiping of surfaces).
UniCal offers an on-campus kindergarten service for children up to 4 years old. Dependents are welcome either for free or at discounted rates to enrolling into the Sport Center and in the activities on campus such as seminars, conferences, cinemas, theatres, library, museums.
UniCal’s Language Center offers courses in Italian and other languages at no cost for visiting scholars.
Secretarial/student assistance, a graduate student is hired as tutor of the course in Italian-American Culture and Literature.
Access to library facilities and office space, personal computer available upon request.
Access to computer network and other IT resources, access to university canteen with a plan of up to two meals a day at the cost of 9 euro per day.
Facilitated access to UniCal’s sport center. Occasional discounts are available on tickets for the seasons of UniCal’s two theatres and cinemas.
The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program offers up to 20 grants across ten award categories, including an All Disciplines award and a Distinguished Chair award.
Two Fulbright-Schuman awards are offered at the European University Institute in Florence in the field of European Union studies.
The program in Italy is open to scholars and professionals from all disciplines; preferences are indicated under individual award descriptions and on the U.S.-Italy Fulbright Commission's website. Scholars may be invited to give occasional lectures or seminars at various Italian universities. Some of the awards offer accommodations or a financial contribution to offset housing costs.
The academic calendar is November 1 to June 20, with the first semester from November to February and the second semester from March to June.
Selected grantees must enter Italy on a study or, in some cases, a research visa covering the authorized length of grant. Basic information about the two visas and their application process is available at the Italy Ministry of Foreign Affairs website. The U.S.-Italy Fulbright Commission will also publish an informational note on its website. The possibility to stay for longer periods and/or being accompanied by dependents is subject to the provisions and restrictions of Italian Law.
Prospective applicants may visit the U.S.-Italy Fulbright Commission website. For further information, contact Barbara Pizzella, Senior Program Officer at the Commission, at